showing 9 games

namepublisher(developer)year arrow_downwardtags
Mickey's Space Adventure Sierra On-Line;Walt Disney Computer Software1984 5.25disk agiengine apple2p bootloader commercial disney download free2play keyboard license-proprietary licensechange scummvm labelimageminimize
Winnie the Pooh in the Hundred Acre Wood Sierra On-Line1984 commercial compass disney download fantasticearth forest free2play license-proprietary licensechange nonhumanprotagonist winniethepooh labelimageminimize
Donald Duck's Playground Sierra On-Line1986 5.25disk anthroprotagonist birdprotagonist commercial disney donaldduck download duckuniverse free2play license-proprietary licensechange lighthearted nohumans labelimageminimize
The Black Cauldron  Sierra On-Line1986 5.25disk agiengine agsengine arthurianmyth commercial disney display-560x192 download free2play hires hunger license-proprietary licensechange magic medieval movie multipleendings scummvm labelimageminimize
Donald's Alphabet Chase Disney Software (Westwood Studios)1988 5.25disk anthroprotagonist birdprotagonist claiming disney donaldduck duckuniverse edu-graphemes letters labelimageminimize
Matterhorn Screamer Hi-Tech Expressions (Walt Disney Computer Software)1988 commercial disney joystick jumping keyboard license-proprietary lives mountainclimbing ropeswinging score wintery labelimageminimize
Mickey's Magic Reader Sunburst Communications1989 clothing commercial cooking disney dressup keyboard license-proprietary mickeymouse labelminimizeminimize
Disney's Duck Tales: The Quest for Gold Walt Disney Computer Software (Incredible Technologies)1990 disney ducktales todo-verifyexistence labelminimizeminimize
Mickey's Crossword Puzzle Maker Walt Disney Computer Software (Legacy Software)1991 3.5disk 5.25disk crosswords difficulty disney nodrm printer wordinput labelminimizeminimize